Our Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 curricula are exceptionally varied for a small school as we firmly believe in providing a range of opportunities for our young people, allowing them to explore their creativity, become independent lifelong learners and leave school having developed key skills for employability.
Our curriculum model meets the needs of our local area and prepares students for success in a variety of progression pathways, including apprenticeships, further and higher education and technical routes. We recognise the importance of pupil choice at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 and we have developed a large range of vocational and academic courses to ensure that our students continue on an appropriate progression plan. This includes offering the new Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) to students in the 6th Form.
The curriculum structure from year 7 right through to year 13 supports the school’s vision and core values, in particular, preparing skills for life, developing talents and pursuing interests, demonstrating employability skills and developing teamwork and leadership. This is captured by the school’s Millom Learner attributes and the Learning Journey. We place an emphasis on creative subjects including art, music and drama and have invested in offering opportunities to study those at Key Stage 4 and in some cases Key Stage 5. Our curriculum is enriched with a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and our unique enrichment programme as part of the timetabled school day. Link to Enrichment Page
Key Stage 3
Students in Years 7-9 have 30 lessons per week of 50 minutes duration. They study:
Information Technology, including Computer Science
Physical Education (including games)
Personal Development (Including PSHE and RE)
In Year 9 students choose their options for Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11).
Key Stage 4
Students in Years 10-11 have 30 lessons per week of 50 minutes duration. Currently all students are required to take the following subjects:
GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature
GCSE Mathematics
Combined Science – 2 GCSEs (or Triple Science, which is 3 GCSEs)
Games (not examined)
Personal Development (not examined; includes PSHE and RE)
Enrichment (or Intervention for Year 11) (not examined)
Students also have a choice of up to 4 option subjects from the following:
GCSEs in Triple Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
GCSE Art or Photography
GCSE Computer Science
GCSE Design and Technology
GCSE Drama
GCSE French
GCSE Geography
GCSE History
Health and Social Care (BTEC)
Hospitality and Catering (Level 1/2 Award)
Information Technology (Tech Award)
GCSE Media
GCSE Music
Sport (BTEC)
Asdan Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (for targeted students only)
Students are encouraged to take a range of ‘facilitating subjects’ to maximise their progression choices at Post-16; this includes the suite of qualifications that comprise the English Baccalaureate. The importance of studying a language at GCSE is emphasised as part of the Year 9 options process.
Key Stage 5
Students in Years 12-13 have between 17 and 24 lessons per week of 50 minutes duration with extra timetabled study periods for each subject, including two lessons per week of tutor time (personal development). The majority of students in Year 12 also take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) for a further two lessons per week.
Currently, students are able to opt for the following subjects:
Academic qualifications
A-Level Biology
A-Level Chemistry
A-Level Design and Technology: Product Design
A-Level English Literature
A-Level Fine Art / Art Photography
A-Level Geography
A-Level History
A-Level Mathematics
A-Level Physics
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) (Year 12 only)
Vocational qualifications
Extended Certificate in Applied Science or Medical Science (AAQ) *
Certificate / Extended Certificate in Business (Cambridge Technical)
Certificate / Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care (AAQ) *
Certificate / Extended Certificate in Information Technology (Cambridge Technical)
Extended Certificate / Diploma in Sport (BTEC)
* subject to DfE change
Students who did not achieve Grade 4 or above in GCSE English and maths at Key Stage 4 are required to re-sit during Key Stage 5.
Further information
For more information about the curriculum in individual subject areas please refer to the subject pages, the Year 9 options information or the Sixth Form area.
For specific queries about curriculum please contact the Assistant Headteacher for curriculum – Mrs C Vance via genenquiries@millom.cumbria.sch.uk
For enquiries about our 6th form offer please contact the Director of Learning and Standards for Key Stage 5 – Mrs R Moore via genenquiries@millom.cumbria.sch.uk