Equality Objective

This policy describes the way in which Millom School will meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. This Act replaced all previous equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, the Disability Discrimination Act and the Sex Discrimination Act. The policy will be applied to all staff and learners, as well as any volunteers working in the school.


Employees, learners and volunteers are made aware of the existence of this policy and where it can be accessed.

This policy is reviewed annually.

Policy Statement

Millom School will adhere to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 by not discriminating against learners, staff, volunteers or anyone involved in external agencies the organisation may be working with on the grounds of:

  • sex, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation.

In addition, there will be no discrimination against:

  • pregnant females or new mothers
  • staff, learners or volunteers undergoing gender re-assignment
  • learners due to the behaviour of their parents and/or siblings

When recruiting staff, health related questions will not be asked until after a job offer is made, and then, only if it is necessary for the role.

Millom School will use the ‘Positive Action’ clause of the Equality Act 2010, to allow for the setting up of courses specifically for a certain group or groups of students who share a particular protected characteristic.

It is expected that every person in the organisation will make a positive contribution to this
policy, namely:

  • All staff whether paid or voluntary
  • All visitors to Millom School
  • All learners at Millom School

In addition, Millom School will:

  • ensure that the services it provides are accessible to all and endeavour to positively encourage and benefit people from disadvantaged group
  • supply specialist aids and facilities to enable disabled people
  • monitor and investigate any issues that arise within the organisation and take appropriate action in accordance with the 2010 Equality Act, part 6, chapter 1, section 86, thus fully supporting any person in the organisation who is faced with prejudice or discrimination
  • undertake an annual evaluation process to ensure that the policy is clear, in keeping with current legislation and being adhered to
  • treat seriously any breaches of the policy, regarding them as misconduct which may lead to disciplinary proceedings

Investigation Procedure

  • In the case of a student or students, the issue will be investigated by the Assistant Head Student Support.
  • In the case of any other person connected to the organisation, the issue will be investigated by the Deputy Headteacher.

Complaint Procedure

Stage 1

Any person who experiences, witnesses or is reasonably led to believe that this Equal Opportunities Policy has not been respected, should immediately bring the situation to the attention of the Deputy Headteacher. The person responsible for this breach will be reminded of the existence and purpose of this policy, and asked to adhere to the policy.

Stage 2

If the person continues behaving in an unacceptable manner, the matter will be referred to the Headteacher, who will decide the best course of action.

This may result in:

  • a warning being issued
  • a disciplinary
  • a referral to a higher level of authority

Stage 3

The offending person has the right to appeal. He/she can write to the Chair of Governors. The decision of the Governing Body will be final.

This Policy should be applied in conjunction with other policies and procedures of Millom School.