School Uniform

We are keen to help students develop a sense of pride in their own appearance as a preparation for future careers. We also believe the uniform gives a sense of belonging and identity. It gives students the opportunity to demonstrate loyalty and cooperation with the school as a community.

Uniform Suppliers

School uniform and sports kits are available from two outfitters:
Fergusons, Wellington Street, Millom
Identity, Unit 2, Business Park, Peter Green Way, Barrow in Furness

Millom School Uniform Is:

· Plain black trousers or knee-length skirt (no tube or tight skirts). Trousers should not be leggings or jeans: they should not have jean style pockets. Trousers should not be tight around a students calf or ankle. Trousers should be long enough to meet their shoes and socks should cover the ankle.

· Millom School polo shirt with school crest.

· Millom School sweatshirt (round/crew necked) with school crest (no other jersey or sweat-shirt is allowed to be worn in school). This item is compulsory for Autumn and Spring terms. In the Summer term students do not need to wear their school jumper around school, however, if the weather is cool they must wear their school jumper over their polo shirt not a hooded top or jacket. These should only be worn over the school jumper, outside of  the school buildings.

· Plain black, white, or dark green socks or tights.  Trainer socks are not acceptable.

· It is recommended that all items of uniform are marked with the students name.

· For Health and Safety reasons jewellery is restricted to one pair of plain, flat studs, one earring per lobe, one plain flat ring, one watch and one bracelet (this includes charity bands)

· Coloured nail varnish and false nails are not allowed in school. Nails must be kept short for Health and Safety reasons especially for lessons like Technology and PE.  No false tan. No false eyelashes.


· Durable smart black shoes or flat boots for school, may be worn. Please note that no training shoes, casual leisure shoes, skate shoes or thin soled slip on shoes for girls (dolly shoes) are allowed.

Millom School PE Kit Is:

For all students:

· Black shorts*.

· Green indoor sports top (short sleeves)*.

· Football boots

· Trainers or gym shoes

· Towel

· Shin pads

Optional items;

· Black joggers (not leggings)

· Millom School Hooded top or Millom School sweatshirt *


* Denotes the school crest

Please note—other hooded tops, jumpers or tracksuit tops are not to be worn


Uniform Reminders

· Jackets/coats/hats/caps/scarves are not allowed within the buildings. Students can wear their coats outside and on their way to school however, we expect students to remove these items on arrival into school. If a student is found to be wearing their coat/jacket/hats/caps/scarves repeatedly it will be confiscated and placed at Reception. Students are to collect items at 3pm. Hooded tops are not permitted in school with the exception of the PE hooded top.


· Jewellery for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students in school is restricted to one pair of studs for pierced ears (only one in each ear lobe), one plain flat ring, a watch and one bracelet (this includes charity bands).  No other facial or body-piercing of any kind is allowed in school for students in Year 7-11. 6th Form students should have no extreme piercings or tattoos.


· For health and safety reasons, students are not allowed to wear any jewellery that may get caught (including necklaces) and cause injury during the busy school day.  As a school we feel also that excessive jewellery is not appropriate to the smart appearance we are promoting. Any jewellery confiscated for the first time will be returned at 3pm the following day on production of a note from home.  Further infringements will lead to lengthy times of confiscation and sanctions.


· Hair colour, style and make-up must be appropriate for school. If make-up is excessive, the students will be expected to remove it. Hair must be natural in appearance therefore dyed or coloured hair such as red, blue, bleached or peroxide blonde etc. is unacceptable. Hair should not be shaved lower than a grade 3. Styles with a shorter back and sides, compared to top, must be blended.


· Coloured nail varnish is not allowed. If a student arrives to school with coloured varnish they will be asked to remove it for the next day. Nails must be short for Health and Safety reasons (e.g.—Technology and PE lessons).


· Trainers are only to be used for PE lessons and on the All Weather Pitch (no other footwear should be worn on the All Weather Pitch). Trainers are not suitable or smart enough for regular uniform.  At lunch time or break time students playing sport may wear trainers, however, students must change back into school shoes before entering the school buildings.


· If students come to school wearing trainers, parents will be contacted to bring the student a change of shoes. If this cannot happen then the student will spend the school day with their tutor. Students who wear their trainers and yet have their school shoes with them will have their trainers confiscated. If the shoes are broken and therefore not available we would appreciate being kept informed.  A note from home is essential, and we would expect the situation to be resolved as soon as possible.


· Students who arrive in school and do not adhere to the school regulations on uniform (e.g they are wearing trainers or unsuitable trousers) and the issue cannot be addressed before the school day begins, will be isolated for the day with their tutor.


· Sixth Form students at Millom are role models for younger students, whom they will come in to contact with throughout the school day. At Millom School we allow Sixth Formers to express themselves as individuals, this emphasises the need for suitable attire. Sixth Form students should ensure their overall appearance is in keeping with the working environment of a school which holds high standards of all students.