
How to Apply for a Secondary School Place

For Parent/Carer(s) with a Child in Year 6

If you live in Cumbria and your child is in Year 6 in a primary or junior school you must apply to Cumbria County Council for a secondary school place, under the Local Authority’s Coordinated Admissions Scheme.

The School Admissions and Appeals Team will send a letter to you through your child’s junior or primary school. This letter will include a unique identification number (UID). If you have more than one child transferring you will receive a UID for each child. The online application form can be found at:


If you are unable to apply online, you can download a form, SA3, from the Cumbria County Council website ( If you do not have access to a computer then please ask your child’s current school to help.

For Parent/Carers(s) with a Child in Years 7-11

If you have a child who is currently in years 7-11 in another secondary school and would like to apply for a place at Millom School, please contact Mrs C. Jackson on 01229 772300 to request an application form and arrange a meeting with the Director of Learning and Standards for the relevant Key Stage so that they can discuss your child’s admission with you.

How to Apply for a 6th Form Place

For Parent/Carer(s) with a Child in Year  11

Details in relation to 6th form applications and admissions will be updated shortly. 


If you have a child aged between 5 and 16 and live further than 2 miles (for children under 8) and 3 miles (for children up to the age of 16) Cumberland Council will provide free transport to your child’s catchment school.

Transport can only be provided from one address which should be the child’s main residence

Applications for free school transport can be found at:
