Year 9 options

Key Stage 4 Options Information

Making Your Option Choices (January 2024)

Subject Presentations and the Options Information Booklet

We have uploaded subject presentations which contain all of the relevant information pertaining to the courses on offer, onto the Millom School website for you to watch/read. The presentations will assist you in discussing with your child, your child’s thoughts re their Option choices until the Options application window closes at theend of January. There is also a Year 9 Subject Information_Options Booklet which students/parents need to read before making their choices.   

Access to the Subject Presentations and the Information Booklet

Parents/carers and students can access the subject information in PDF document format by clicking on the blue button on the right hand pane of this webpage (towards the top).  Access the subject presentations by clicking on the green buttons in the right hand pane of this webpage.  If you are accessing the page using a hand-held device, you may need to scroll to the bottom of your page to see the link buttons.

Year 9 Options Application Form

Students in Year 9 will be able to access a link which enables them to complete the Options Application Form. This link will be shared after Christmas and will close on the 24th of January 2024. This link will be shared with students via their school email address. I will also include a link on this page, which will be found below the links to the Options Subject Presentations once it goes live.

If you are a parent/carer and your child has forgotten their login information (to access their email account), please ask them to speak with the IT Technician at school for support.

The application form can only be completed by each student once. Only students are able to complete and submit the form. However, you may wish to support your child as they complete the application form, to ensure that they complete the process as accurately as possible. If you have any concerns/queries, please do not hesitate to contact school. The deadline for completion of the online form and application process is 11.59pm on Wednesday 24th of January 2024.

Many thanks,

Mrs Vance