Introduction to Sixth Form

The Sixth Form is the most exciting stage of your education and here at Millom School we believe that we provide you with a stimulating environment in which you can excel.

For us, the Sixth Form is about looking ahead and we are here to help guide you as you make some very important decisions about your future. We have a very strong Sixth Form and our supportive community, in which everybody is valued as an individual, means that you can expect the highest level of care in every aspect of school life.

Learning in the Sixth Form should be stimulating and fun as we aim to foster your intellectual curiosity and creativity. Smaller class sizes mean that you will have the opportunity to explore in real depth your chosen subjects, far beyond the confines of the syllabus, and you will engage in exciting academic debate as you develop a higher level of thinking and increased independence of thought. You should expect to be challenged to take intellectual risks within a supportive environment and you should not be afraid of failing. The development of the qualities outlined above will allow you to apply confidently for your chosen courses at leading universities or access apprenticeship schemes with national and international companies. You will be supported in your applications by an experienced team of dedicated teachers and Tutors every step of the way.

Beyond the classroom there are a number of extra-curricular opportunities on offer to you and you should ensure that you take full advantage of the programme available here at Millom School. A few highlights include trips abroad, the Dream Placement Scheme, STEM activities, careers fairs and visiting speakers. As would also be expected, there are a range of musical and sporting opportunities for you to explore. In addition, we encourage you to take the initiative and set up clubs and societies which suit your own particular interests.

The Sixth Form at Millom School is also a time for you to develop a broader awareness and understanding of the world around you and how you play a part in shaping it. We hold the concept of service in high regard and are deeply committed to helping you become compassionate and resilient leaders; we believe that you have the potential to bring about positive change both within the local and global community. Being a Sixth Former means that you are a role model for the rest of the school and a particularly rewarding aspect of your new role will be interacting with the younger students, further developing Millom’s strong sense of community.

The Sixth Form experience at Millom School is transformative and should be enjoyed. Our students are happy, motivated and caring and are empowered to be the very best they can be. Upon leaving, Millom’s students know that they are capable of succeeding in whatever they choose and are ready to embrace the challenges that lie ahead.