Once again, we are proud to celebrate the success of our all students in their Level 2 (GCSE, Level 1/2 Vocational Award, OCR Cambridge National Certificate, BTEC First Award and BTEC Tech Award) and Level 3 (A Level, BTEC and OCR Cambridge Technical) qualifications. Our Year 11 students have worked extremely hard over the course of two years and as a result of their success they are able to embark upon the next stage in their education, some returning to our Sixth Form, some beginning apprenticeships and some pursuing further vocational study. Our Year 13 students have gained the qualifications they need to pursue university courses, degree-level apprenticeships or to gain successful employment with accredited training.
At Millom School we believe that education goes beyond just exam results, however, we do need to monitor the progress and outcomes of our students and provide information on their attainment and progress using specific performance criteria. This year has been a unique year in that the Department for Education promised a return to exam standards after the Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption to exams in the period of 2020-2021. Hence grade boundaries have been seen in many cases to have increased in comparison to 2022, and for some subjects in comparison to the pre-pandemic results in 2019. Qualification results from 2020 and 2021 were based on teacher-assessed grades submitted by the school as the examinations were cancelled. For this reason, it is strongly advised that comparisons with 2021/2020 results are not made.
Performance tables will be published, as normal, this year and the usual Progress 8 (for Year 11) will be published in due course.
Key Stage 4
Progress 8 measures the difference between a pupil’s estimated attainment, based on their Key Stage 2 scores, and their actual attainment achieved by the end of Year 11. It takes the current year’s national performance data into account. The whole school Progress 8 score is an average of the Year 11 cohort and is calculated after students have taken the exams. This link explains performance measures for parents:
In the table below are the headline figures for 2023. Parents and carers are also encouraged to visit the Department for Education’s (DfE) Performance Tables, which can be found on its web site with the link provided in the statutory information tab of the school website. 2023 information will be published shortly.
Note that the E-Bacc measure for Millom School is low because our curriculum model does not make it mandatory for students to study a GCSE in a modern foreign language. We currently give our students the option to study languages (French) at GCSE.
| School 2023
| School 2022
| School 2019
| School 2018
| School 2017
| School 2016
Progress 8
| to be confirmed by DfE
| -0.13
| -0.16
| 0.0
| -0.11
| -0.29
Attainment 8
| to be confirmed by DfE
| 48.58
| 42.3
| 43.5
| 47.4
| 48.37 |
% achieving grade 5+ in English and maths
| 34.4%
| 47.57% | 29%
| 31%
| 49%
| N/a |
% achieving grade 4+ in English and maths
| 52.7%
| 69%
| 55%
| 52%
| 67%
| 68%
% entered for the E-Bacc
| 3.2%
| 12.6%
| 3%
| 8%
| 1%
| 9%
% achieving the E-Bacc at grades 5+
| 2.2%
| 5%
| 1%
| 3%
| 1%
| 9% |
E-Bacc Average Point Score
| 4.04
Key Stage 5
The table below shows our headline figures for the Sixth Form for 2023. Please note that the value added and average grade information for previous academic years is sourced from the DfE’s compare school performance website and includes ‘add-back’ students, which are students who completed courses in previous academic years but who were not included in performance measures at that time. The add-back students have a significant impact upon the figures presented in the performance tables, but due to DfE ruling, schools are unable to remove these students from being included in the measures. Attainment data are the school’s own figures, as previously this data has not been published by the DfE and 2023 figures are not yet available. School’s own attainment data does NOT include add-back students. It does include A-levels and equivalent qualifications (vocational).
Performance measures are broken down to Academic (A-level programmes only) and Applied General (BTEC and Cambridge Technical programmes). Applied General statistics are only published if the cohort size is greater than 5.
| School 2023
| School 2022
| School 2019
| School 2018
| School 2017
Value added
| No progress data will be published
| No progress data will be published
| A-level -0.34 Applied General -0.37
| A-level -0.44 Applied General No figure supplied due to cohort size | A-level -0.66 Applied General +0.13 |
Attainment (A*-E pass rate)
| 92%
| 93%
| 99%
| 80%
| 87%
Attainment (A*-B high grades)
| 40%
| 27% | 36%
| 28%
| 34%
Average grade
| A-level: C- Applied General: Distinction
| A-level: C- Applied General: Merit+
| A-level: D+ Applied General: Merit+
| A-level: E+ Applied General: No figure supplied due to cohort size
| A-level: D Applied General: Distinction