Careers Advice and Guidance Page

Baker Clause Statement

This policy statement sets out Millom school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer.
This complies with the legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education act 1997 (the ‘Baker Clause’).

Student entitlement

Students in Years 7 – 13 are entitled to:
• find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
• hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evening’s, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
• understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

Management of Provider Access requests
Please view Millom School’s CEIAG Policy for more access request information
Please view Millom School’s Provider Access Policy Statement

At Millom School we are proud of the careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) we provide to our students and the resulting very low numbers of students who leave school as NEET (not in education, employment of training). We aim to prepare our students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. We ensure that students have access to a well-developed programme of CEIAG through Personal Development (PD), through the delivery of subject curricula at all key stages and through extra-curricular opportunities, such as after school or lunchtime clubs, trips and visits, links with local employers, work-related learning and face-to-face guidance from an independent careers adviser.

We want our students to:

Be proactive in taking charge of their futures.
Increased their engagement with learning and improve their attainment
Make informed decisions about progression pathways and career choices
Be more ready for employment and develop key employability skills
Become more confident and resilient in times of change
Engage with employers and experience the workplace

We anticipate that our students will develop the following through CEIAG:

Self-awareness – the ability to appraise qualities, skills, roles and responsibilities, interests, aptitudes and achievements with a view to making informed choices, relating well to others and building self-esteem.
Self-determination – helping individuals to develop personal autonomy, boosting optimism and resilience, and empowering them to fulfill their aspirations, including career goals.
Self-improvement – fostering a positive attitude to lifelong learning and understanding what has been learned, what to learn next and how best they learn, as well as valuing equality, diversity and inclusion.

These three personal attributes align well with the Millom Learner and through their time at school pupils will develop: determination, communication, positivity, understanding, independence, collaboration and investigatory skills. These attributes are central to our careers strategy and programme of CEIAG opportunities.

Learning Journey (*.pdf)
Careers Strategy(*.pdf)
Provider Access Statement(*.pdf)

Millom School are participating in our Build My Skills (BMS) programme again this academic year. It helps young people prepare for future careers, working on key employability skills and knowledge.
The programme gives our students access to employers and helps to raise awareness of career options in sectors we know will be recruiting in the near future.
Build my Skills equips young people with the necessary skills and competences to have the best chance of successful careers. ‘Build My Skills’ embeds an understanding of the link between education and employment, it inspires students to look to the future, think about the jobs they may like and focuses on the key skills they need to develop in order to succeed.

Labour Market Information

Key terms explained:

Careers education – delivery of learning about careers as part of the curriculum e.g. through PSHE or embedded within the delivery of specific subjects.

Careers information – the provision of information and resources about courses, occupations and career paths.

Careers advice – more in depth explanation of information and how to access and use that information.

Careers guidance – deeper intervention, in which an individual’s skills, attributes and interests are explored in relation to their career options e.g. through one-to-one interviews and personalized feedback or action planning.

Work-related learning – the provision of opportunities to develop knowledge and understanding of work and to develop skills of employability through direct experiences of work e.g. during the work experience placement in Year 10 and Year 12.

For more information, please contact the school’s Careers Leader, Mrs C Vance (Assistant Headteacher) on 01229 772300 or via the email

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For Employers/Education & Training Providers
For Parents
For Students
For Staff