Emergency Closure Routine

A Guide for Parents

The responsibility for decisions regarding school closure lies with the Headteacher. This decision is made in conjunction with the Chair of Governors.

The school will remain open unless it is not safe to do so. Risk assessments are always undertaken at times of bad weather (for example, snow, rain, ice, difficult travel conditions, etc). Any decisions regarding closure of the school will be made after careful consultation with our travel providers, weather service providers and our Health & Safety Officer.

When it becomes necessary for the school to close early, children will be kept safe and transport arrangements will be carefully arranged and advertised via text message, twitter feed, and the web site. For students who normally walk home, school will check to ensure that these students are leaving to a known address and named individual; students who are unable to provide this information will be kept at school rather than simply allowed to leave. It is essential that your child is aware of a phone number which they can use during the day to contact a parent or carer so that they are able to make arrangements as necessary. No students will simply be allowed to leave the premises under any circumstances. If necessary school will provide suitable accommodation until such time as a responsible adult can be contacted. If as a parent or carer you are of the view that it is unsafe for your child to walk home, we are happy to accommodate them in school until such time you are able to come and pick them up.

Please remember that the school will update its web site continually (from 6.00am until 10.00pm) as well as updating the twitter feed and using text messages. In addition, parents and carers are advised to tune into local radio stations (BBC Radio Cumbria and The Bay Radio) and relevant sections of recognised web sites such as The Met Office.

Please note that school will never use Facebook to communicate.