Sixth Form Transportation

For students who reside within the catchment area the school operates a Post-16 Spare Seat Scheme in conjunction with the Council’s Transport Services Team. This allows students to travel in the morning and afternoon at the standard times on contracted vehicles, where spare seats are available.
Information about applying for transport will be provided by the school to all 6th form applicants in the summer term prior to joining.
All applications are sent via the school to the Local Authority and the cost is determined by the Council. Provision of assistance for learners with learning difficulties or disabilities will be made on an individual basis in line with the Council’s transport policy.
We would encourage Post-16 students from low income families to apply for free discretionary transport through the Council’s Student Support Fund if they fulfil the eligibility criteria.

For more information please visit:

Any enquiries regarding transport please contact Mrs L Philip, - 01229 772300 ext. 245