Sixth Form - Vision and Values

The 6th Form’s primary aim is to foster a supportive environment between school and adult life in which it provides high quality academic and general education programmes of study and strong pastoral support that meet the needs of 16 to 19 year olds living mainly in the Millom area and leads to them acquiring the necessary qualifications, talents and skills vital for success in their adult lives.  

Underlying Principles

The 6th Form will support these aims by providing the following “characteristic qualities” of education for all its 16 to 19 year old students:

  • A structure of tutorial and pastoral support for the individual that encourages all students to realise their potential, cope with difficulties, and develop their talents fully.
  • A high quality teaching and learning experience.
  • A broad and balanced educational experience.
  • A lively and stimulating student community with which students can identify and in which they are encouraged to participate.
  • The provision of appropriate high quality accommodation and the maintenance of a well-kept environment specifically designed for 6th form study.
  • High expectations from staff of all students.
  • High expectations from students of all staff.
  • The freedom to pursue educational activities within the School community unhindered by race, religious belief, gender, physical disability or social background

6th Form Expectations of all students

As well as appreciating your rights and opportunities, it is important that you have a clear understanding of our requirements and expectations, which will enable you to make a success of your time with us. We therefore expect that you will:

  • Accept responsibility for your learning and academic progress with the support of your Personal Tutor and Subject Tutors.
  • Complete all set work to your best ability and by the required date, as well as giving appropriate time to background study, wider research and examination revision.
  • Attend punctually all designated activities and explain any absences.
  • Maintain an acceptable, courteous standard of behaviour at School and while engaged in activities associated with the School.
  • Ensure that your own behaviour and attitude never have a detrimental effect on the academic progress of other students.
  • Follow the School’s Equality, Diversity & Opportunity Policy with regard to all students, members of staff and School visitors.
  • Abide by the School policies including those on Health and Safety, Illegal Substances, Smoking and Consumption of Alcohol and never knowingly endanger the health and physical well-being of others.
  • Respect and thus help to maintain the condition of the School buildings, property and general environment and accept your responsibility to help keep the School clean and tidy.
  • Abide by any Code of Conduct issued during a 6th Form trip or visit.
  • Follow any instructions and guidelines issued by the School. Including those within this Student Charter and Handbook and within the Learning Agreement students commit to upon Enrolment (or late Enrolment) in September.