Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
At Millom School we are proud of the careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) we provide to our students and the resulting very low numbers of students who leave school as NEET (not in education, employment or training). We aim to prepare our students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. We ensure that students have access to a well-developed programme of CEIAG through Personal Development (PD), through the delivery of subject curricula at all key stages and through extra-curricular opportunities, such as after school or lunchtime clubs, trips and visits, links with local employers, work-related learning and face-to-face guidance from an independent careers adviser.
We want our students to:
- Be proactive in taking charge of their futures.
- Increased their engagement with learning and improve their attainment
- Make informed decisions about progression pathways and career choices
- Be more ready for employment and develop key employability skills
- Become more confident and resilient in times of change
- Engage with employers and experience the workplace
We anticipate that our students will develop the following through CEIAG:
- Self-awareness – the ability to appraise qualities, skills, roles and responsibilities, interests, aptitudes and achievements with a view to making informed choices, relating well to others and building self-esteem.
- Self-determination – helping individuals to develop personal autonomy, boosting optimism and resilience, and empowering them to fulfill their aspirations, including career goals.
- Self-improvement – fostering a positive attitude to lifelong learning and understanding what has been learned, what to learn next and how best they learn, as well as valuing equality, diversity and inclusion.
These three personal attributes align well with the Millom Learner and through their time at school pupils will develop: determination, communication, positivity, understanding, independence, collaboration and investigatory skills. These attributes are central to our careers strategy and programme of CEIAG opportunities.