
What is the importance of the subject? Why should pupils be studying it? Why should they care about it? How might the subject link to the real world/ real life scenarios?

Drama is an important component in educating a well-rounded child; giving essential opportunities for growth and challenge beyond the mere subject content.

All children have the right to express themselves and a need for play - Drama maximises these natural factors in a safe, encouraging environment. The future of the children we are educating now is uncertain and challenging. The greatest skill we can give them is to be able to harness their own creativity and communicate this with others. Drama is pivotal in this; whilst also helping pupils to improve peer relationships and confidence in the school. All of this is in addition to giving them the tools they need to continue to enjoy, through participation or appreciation, of Drama and performance for the rest of their lives.

Drama is a vital part of the students’ learning experience at Millom School. It enables the students to develop the ability to communicate and work together.

We believe in the holistic development of the child and so it is important that the students do improve and hone their performance skills. Practical skills are underpinned by The Millom School Learner initiative to develop life skills of determination, becoming a good communicator, a positive collaborative and motivator; which shows understanding through participation in drama.


The Millom School curriculum for Drama aims:

  • To develop and foster pupil’s interest over a wide range of drama styles and genres.
  • To provide, and maintain, a stimulating learning environment where all pupils can become successful learners.
  • To encourage self-expression, creativity and self-criticism; resulting in pupils becoming confident individuals.
  • To encourage self-discipline and self-motivation allowing pupils to become responsible citizens.
  • To encourage pupils to work cooperatively in whole class and small group situations and to gain self-discipline when practising or rehearsing alone.
  • To encourage, where possible, participation in live performance; giving pupils the opportunity to become confident individuals and effective contributors.
  • To enable pupils to reach their full potential and gain recognised qualifications according to their potential.

What the students can expect:

  • A full and vast Drama curriculum delivered in an energetic and fun way.
  • Teachers that are always available for help and support both within and outside of lessons.
  • Opportunities to get involved with and/or perform in a variety of contexts.