Vision and Values

Our Vision

All children and young people at Millom School will have access to appropriate high quality education in a community that enables them to achieve the skills, knowledge and qualities to become responsible and successful citizens.

We will achieve our vision by providing learning that shows:

  • Millom School is a place for the whole community, with a local, national & international dimension
  • Millom School is a place for personal growth, friendship, a place that encourages tolerance, understanding, respect for others, and the area in which you live.
  • Millom School is a place for preparing you for the rest of your life.
  • Millom School is a place to develop your talents and skills, along with the independence and self-discipline needed to be happy and successful.
  • Millom School is a place for the present, today, as well as the future

We aim to:

  • lmprove educational outcomes for all learners
  • lmprove the performance of every subject department
  • Train and develop our staff to be the best they can be
  • Develop the school site, buildings and classroom equipment (within budgetary constraints)
  • Maintain and develop a positive, outward facing and inclusive school
  • Ensure school leavers know right from wrong, have respect for themselves & others and are well skilled (particularly in literacy, numeracy, and ICT) and employable

Our Values

At Millom School we believe:

  1. A strong community of student and adult learners is based on mutual respect, empathy and personal integrity.
  2. Students should be empowered, develop curiosity and foster their creativity to make a difference to society.
  3. Happy, confident and secure students will learn more and will achieve greater things.
  4. That to improve all of us need to work hard, play hard and push our boundaries.
  5. Students who pursue their interests and talents will be happier, will have a sense of purpose and will develop a love of learning for life.
  6. That to be successful in life all of us need to develop leadership and teamwork skills.