
What is the importance of the subject? Why should pupils be studying it? Why should they care about it? How might the subject link to the real world / real life scenarios?

We hope our students will gain an understanding of how science affects us all every day and come to realise how it is interwoven with our lives. For example, understanding the need for a balanced diet to being aware of the need for specific procedures when using electricity or chemicals. Science not only builds on mathematical and literacy skills covered by the other core subjects but problem solving, using critical thinking and evidence to create solutions and make decisions; essential skills required for many careers not only those of science, engineering and technology.

Key concepts (The big ideas underpinning the subject)

Develop a deeper and broader range of scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the subject disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

 To relate scientific explanations to phenomena in the world around them and start to use modelling and abstract ideas to develop and evaluate explanations.

Understand that science is about working objectively, modifying explanations to take account of new evidence and ideas and subjecting results to peer review.

Work scientifically: be able to select the appropriate type of scientific enquiry and to develop a deeper understanding of factors to be taken into account when collecting, recording and processing data.

Understand the implications of using science today and in the future.